Monday, November 21, 2005

drawing up memories

this is the drawing that I made at bible study last week. it was me and the three art students (hattie, liz & juliana) all drawing ravens and lilies. yep. this was mine. I'm putting it up here because it reminds me of the days when I used to come home from school with some new "art" project, and my mom would hang it right there in the kitchen, which was probably the most populated room in the entire house at most times of the day. one time, she told me, I came home with this self-portrait that (in her eyes) looked more like George Washington because I had white hair. I explained to her that it was me, but that we had run out of brown paint in the art room, and hence I chose the next best hair color: white. yep.
but I don't have mom to come home to anymore, so I have to display my own "artwork" (courtesy of Hattie, who scanned this in). and since I don't have that many people walking through my room everyday, I figured this was probably the most "populated" place I could display, enjoy! And happy almost Thanksgiving...

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