Monday, August 07, 2006

readjusting + random things

so, I'm back stateside. Sorry for all of you I have not contacted since I got I wrote in an email to a friend, it's been a little bit of a shocker this past weekend with a wedding, church and a family get-together, to get used to being around large groups of people that I know fairly well (and who know me fairly well) and who don't speak solely Spanish...but I am glad to see them all again, and I hope to catch up with each of you all soon :)

I might nearly be driving my family nuts with the Latin pop CD's that I'm listening to almost 24/7 (though Becky says she likes them).

Has anyone else been inside the new Biomedical Research Building lately (the new building with one side that's all glass, next to Couzens?) Wow!! So beautiful! It's almost comforting to know that with as much money as I'm paying to go here, that this University can actually use it to construct buildings that are aesthetically pleasing (at least, from the inside...the auditorium part still looks like it contains Pringles from the outside, ha ha).

This is a really hilarious link of videos that my sister sent me - it shows people doing crazy stuff around UM's campus...enjoy! I think that more stuff like this needs to be done...this year, even. It is, after all, senior year, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm just kinda bumbed that nothing like that happened when I was a student - I would have paid money to see it!