Monday, October 30, 2006

senioritis, round 2

so maybe blogspot took off the last post I put on here that had cute Halloween comics? was that copyright infringement? hmmm...maybe. anyhoo...

So, remember that convenient little disease that swept your high school senior class year after year, and that you, too, caught when you were a senior? News flash: it happens in college too. Senioritis. You got it baby.
I'm not entirely sure that I got over the last bout of it...but it's back!

A small group bible-study member said something that piqued my interest tonight. Kate, who I really hope has a blog somewhere because it would be interesting (skip next paragraph to avoid a tangent...ha ha, that makes it sound like "choose-your-own-adventure" blog...woops, a tangent)

(tangent: I don't like asking people if they have's much, much more fun to find them as you're browsing...and also, half of the people I do wish have blogs don't...does anyone else ever run into interesting people and sometimes think "wow, I wish you had a blog because you're: hilarious/intelligent/such an internal thinker/practical/fill in the blank"?)

when we were going through Acts 15 and talking about idols, commented that sometimes people claim wanting to avoid making family or schoolwork (i.e. being a student) an idol in their lives, but what they really end up doing is just making excuses to not spend time with a family they don't get along with that well, or not do as well on their schoolwork as possible (though God has gifted them with brains to be great students). Where, she asked, do we draw the line between making something an idol and making excuses not to do something that God has actually called us to do well? That can be gray sometimes. I think, no, rather, I know that this year I have not been the best student that I could be (it hasn't had a lot of effect on my grades yet, don't worry mom & dad if you still read my blog), and part of it is that there are just a lot of things that I'm seeing as being more important than having a gramatically correct Spanish paper, for example. But have I turned that into an excuse to say it's ok if I don't do my homework and instead spend time with a friend? I hope not. I know that God wants me to spend time with Him and with people, but I also don't think that he gave me intellect that is not to be used. Sure, the way that I'm using it right now is pretty structured, within the classroom setting anyway,

(tangent: my Myers-Briggs personality type, I just found out recently, struggles with structured education...I would much, much rather study things as I want to study them, and delve deeper into the topics that I find interesting, rather than studying the books/materials that my professors choose for me. I'm working with a system that works against my mindset)

but it's also used a lot outside the classroom. Is it fair to say that my studies as a student are not nearly as important as the relationships I develop with those around me? Yes. But is it ever ok to say "sorry, schoolwork trumps relationships tonight" because I have an exam coming up? I don't feel comfortable saying that. And where do the two meet?

Ok...not a lot thought out there. Sorry. Homework (or sleep?) calls...

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